When emergency power is required, we rely on temporary power equipment to give us the freedom to work independently of the grid. Now the question is, should you buy, rent, or build the temporary power equipment needed for your project? Before deciding how you want to acquire your equipment, it’s important that you reflect on your unique situation and compare the pros and cons of each option. Keep in mind factors such as your project’s duration, your team’s technical expertise, city inspections, cost of equipment, and long-term plans for your equipment as you explore your options. In this article, our experts will be weighing in on everything you need to know to determine whether to buy, rent, or build your own temporary power equipment.


Purchasing temporary power equipment is a fail-safe way to ensure everything is up to code and ready to perform. A credible electrical supplier will provide you with products that have gone through professional inspections and have passed industry standards for safety and performance. This means that you can be confident that you’re investing in dependable equipment that will last for years to come and perform safely without any faults that might endanger your team.

Buying top-shelf equipment can also save you money in the long run. While it may have a higher cost upfront than renting or building your own, that one-time purchase provides temporary power equipment that will last through several projects. Professionally manufactured equipment also allows for customizable gear to offer perfect compatibility with any existing equipment you may already have on site.

Don’t forget to reflect on your time constraints while deciding to rent, build, or buy your equipment. When a deadline is approaching and time is tight, it can be tempting to look for a quick fix. Reputable suppliers have experience providing customers with power gear on the fly. At Temporary Power Supply, we keep our inventory packed with various power equipment so that we can quickly provide you with complete electrical solutions or simple replacement components. We have warehouses on both coasts of the US so that we can ship essential equipment as quickly as possible.


Choosing to rent your temporary power equipment is a great choice if you’re planning on a job that’s a simple, one and done. Buying equipment outright translates to a tangible asset that you can keep on hand to use repeatedly on job after job, while renting is an ongoing cost each time a new project pops up. While the upfront cost of renting temporary power equipment may be less than buying, having to rent generator cables or spider boxes consistently can add up to a hefty price tag over time. 

Renting your equipment does offer some flexibility because you won’t be tied to specific pieces of equipment. However, waiting for the equipment that you need to become available, negotiating rental agreements, and picking up equipment can lead to downtime. Owning your equipment means that everything you need is on hand and ready to use. Using equipment that you own also removes the pressure of having to negotiate an extension on your rental agreement or quickly disassemble your power system to return the equipment on time.

When renting electrical equipment, your options are limited to what is available. Not being able to find the right equipment can be a slippery slope that eats up your time and delays your project. Having a business relationship with a trusted electrical supplier gives access to a wider variety of power equipment. At Temporary Power Supply, we can even provide you with custom-built equipment if what you need isn’t currently offered on the market.


Building your own equipment relies heavily on your level of technical expertise so you can pass inspections and your ability to find components at good prices. Building your own equipment can also become a serious time commitment. Time is money and building your own equipment requires a ton of time and labor that may be better spent on other aspects of the project. You will have to research your project’s requirements, understand multiple levels of electrical codes, locate all the components that you need, and allocate the time to actually get everything built.

Electrical Suppliers have access to the highest quality gear available at excellent prices. This allows us to give our customers high-performing temporary power equipment at affordable prices. When building your own equipment, you need to make sure that the connectors are compatible with what’s currently on site. Spending hours building your own temporary power equipment only to sink more time into reworking parts can be wasteful and frustrating. We offer a large variety of cable assemblies, power distribution gear, and even replacement electrical parts.

Final Thoughts

Purchasing temporary power equipment from a trusted electrical supplier is an excellent long-term investment. It ensures that your equipment will be up to code, thoroughly tested, and ready to perform. Buying equipment will also save you time and money in the long run. You will have everything you need on hand and not have to worry about negotiating contracts. Finally, you can have confidence that your entire system will be compatible and will stand the test of time.

We have a wide variety of equipment on hand and ready to ship. If you would like to learn more about our temporary power equipment or request a quote, please email us at [email protected].

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