Experiencing a power outage on an industrial job site can result in delays that slow down the entire project. In severe cases, a power outage can cause a ripple effect that will bottleneck supply chains and leave everyday people without the goods that they need.

In certain industrial settings, a power outage means major safety hazards. For example, losing power in a manufacturing plant will compromise safety systems and put you and your team at risk. At Temporary Power Supply, we support industrial settings by providing equipment that distributes electricity when the grid goes down.

When the power goes out, backup systems kick in to make sure that safety measures like fire suppression and alarms are still working. Temporary power shields assets and safeguards the well-being of employees, making it the cornerstone of a comprehensive safety strategy. In this article, we’re going to explore why temporary power is important and why it’s worth investing in.

Rapid Response to Power Outages

We keep plenty of temporary power gear in stock and ready to roll in case of an emergency. Equipment such as an Automatic Transfer Switch helps create a smooth transition from utility to standby power. Generator Docking Stations (GDS) are a staple for temporary power systems because they allow you to quickly connect to a generator. In addition, our docking station does a great job simplifying complex wiring to save you time and labor. Each docking station is carefully tested in the manufacturer’s facilities and ships pre-assembled and ready to install!

A GDS partners with an Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) to complete a full transition to backup power. An ATS is designed with advanced sensors that detect when the power goes out and automatically activate your temporary power system so that you can keep operations up and running without skipping a beat! We offer a huge selection of Automatic Transfer Switches at great prices, making them a smart investment.

Scaling Projects in Industrial Settings

Scalability means that you can use the same equipment for small and large-scale applications. Temporary power equipment is offered in a variety of sizes and amperage ratings that can be tailored to your project’s specific requirements. From small remote projects to massive industrial facilities, we offer power distribution equipment in a wide array of sizes, mount options, and power ratings. With Temporary Power Supply, you can always trust that you’ll have the right amount of power when and where you need it.

Another important part of having a scalable temporary power system is being able to quickly connect your equipment. You could have all the right gear, but it would be useless if you didn’t have a way to join the components in your power system. Cable assemblies are used to provide strong connections between different pieces of equipment and distribute an even flow of electricity. Our experts recommend our Type W generator cable extensions because of their elite conductivity and hard-use cable jackets. We offer Type W cable in different lengths and gauges with lug-ends, blunt-ends, and Series 16 Cam Locks so that you can easily scale your temporary power gear to your project’s exact requirements.

Being able to quickly transport equipment helps you to scale your projects with efficiency and ease, helping you to stay ahead of approaching deadlines. Having mobile equipment lets you quickly move locations, focus more time on adapting to changing project requirements, and take advantage of new opportunities without delay.

It’s not hard to imagine that moving equipment such as a heavy transformer would take a lot of time and energy. Our power distribution carts are the perfect solution for moving transformers without breaking a sweat. It features a heavy-duty steel frame with an ArmorTek coating to prevent corrosion, and steel castors that allow you to easily move these units from one place to another.

With everything that you’ve learned so far in this blog, you may be wondering what equipment offers the most convenient power distribution. Well, we would have to say that our spider box and spider box locking cables offer incredible flexibility, giving you power wherever you need it. Spider boxes are like little power distribution centers that offer you multiple outlets and come equipped with circuit breakers and GCFI protection to keep you safe. With spider boxes and their accompanying locking cables, you have the convenience of setting up power hubs anywhere you want.

Our team hopes that you have enjoyed this article and that it helped you to gain a better understanding of how temporary power is advantageous in industrial settings. If you have any questions about this article or would like to learn more about our selection of equipment, you can get in touch with one of our sales representatives by sending us an email at [email protected].

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