Fall holds a special place in our hearts here in the US. It brings a gentle transition into cooler weather, making it the perfect time to enjoy pumpkin patches, apple orchards, or curl up with loved ones for Halloween-themed movies. However, did you know that there are hidden mobile and standby electrical systems that are powering your favorite Fall activities?

Behind the scenes of your favorite Fall festivities are temporary power systems hard at work to make sure that everything runs smoothly. In this article, we’ll embark on an adventure to explore the role that temporary power plays in our favorite fall activities and identify the equipment that makes it all possible.

Why Is Mobile and Standby Power Important?

Mobile and standby power systems play a leading role when it comes to powering your favorite fall festivities safely. Without it, there are no lights, food vendors, or slides for the kids to play on while the adults chat it up over their favorite cocktail. We tend to forget all of the small details and effort that was put into the event. All the planning, permitting, and zoning that goes into these events probably doesn’t even cross the minds of the attendees. But if you’re interested, it all starts with one simple process – electricity and temporary power.

So, where do these power systems even begin? Well, the most predominant temporary power system starts with a Generator. However, there are alternative methods to get backup power to a site such a temp power pole, but for that, you’ll need to call your local utility company to hook you up!

If we’re just talking generators, it’s a bit more simplistic. Which is nice, especially if you’re the contractor hired for the job! If there is no form of electricity whatsoever, just start with a generator and feed through cable assemblies into your first means of disconnect – usually a fused safety switch or docking station with overcurrent protection.

From there, you’ll string out power all around your site using portable power carts, spiderboxes, or docking stations with camlock inputs. Typically, you’ll talk with the project or event manager and plan all this out beforehand, so you’ll know exactly what you need before calling Temporary Power Supply! That allows us to formulate the perfect plan for your particular setup and get your project lit up and ready for action.

The cool, crisp air of Autumn makes it a prime season for outdoor activities where festivals such as Oktoberfest or harvest celebrations come to life. In a season where the weather is unpredictable, standby power makes sure that the fun can go on when off the grid. It allows for a pleasant experience for both vendors and visitors.

Mobile and Standby Power Distribution

As we briefly discussed above, power distribution equipment is the second stage in keeping the power flowing throughout your temporary power system. This portion of the system includes camlock connectors, feeder cables, transfer switches, docking stations, spider boxes, and more! Every one of these items plays a major role in making sure your project runs smoother than a hayride on a clear autumn day.

Camlocks are electrical connectors that are used to bridge the gap between cables and power distribution equipment. Inline camlocks are placed on the ends of cables to connect with panel mount connectors, bringing power into the line side or out of the load side of equipment. Panel mount cams are installed in rows or columns on enclosures to offer quick connection points.

Cable assemblies, or generator cables, support Fall fun by connecting various equipment and distributing electricity throughout the power system. Depending on your specific project needs, these cables are available in a variety of options including AWG sizes, voltages, and lengths in order to perfect your setup.

A very common setup for smaller projects that require less than 200 amps is our 5-wire banded cable assemblies. These are most popular in the event and film industry because the power required on those sites is much less than that of an industrial job site. The banded set gets its name from a small band placed every 2 feet, which helps to keep the set of cables all tied up together and makes it easy to identify each phase while the set is being installed. Each set is made from stage and lighting cable, making it a top pick for use at concerts, Halloween light shows, and film sets.

Your favorite pumpkin patch likely uses a generator docking station and transfer switch to make sure that the power on site is safe. As you enjoy your favorite spooky movies and fall activities, be sure to remember the mobile and standby power systems that make it all possible. If you find yourself requiring power distribution equipment this fall, reach out to the best at Temporary Power Supply. You can browse our site for an easy shopping experience or email us for a custom quote at [email protected].

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